Friday, May 20, 2011

Rounding off Greece- starting Turkey (Mhari)

(Mhari)  The Greek islands were nice. I will just give you a brief update because I am way behind in my blog. Naxos was cold and rainy but had a good vibe and our pension was good and cheap. Santorini was well Santorini and the weather warmed up a bit. Rhodes had a nice old town and we met up with my aunt and uncle for a day which was fun. Rhodes also had more cats than the rest of Greece which was very much to my fancy.

We arrived in Marmaris, found a hotel and left the next morning for Selçuk (in Turkish ç is pronounced ch; s with the same accent under it, is pronounced sh). Selçuk is the town beside Ephesus, an ancient Roman city. I think by the time we leave Turkey I will be tired of ancient Roman cities, if I am not already now. Ephesus was nice and had a field of pretty wild flowers. It had two roman theatres . Along the highway to Ephesus there is a running path with play ground style exercise machines (like the ones they have in Kiderminster, England, only older). The path was lined with trees so it was always shady. There were two paths actually: one was a path of lose stones and the other of pavement. There was also a sidewalk on either side where the exercise machines were. I found it very considerate to have put this running path on the way to Ephesus (the locals spell it Efes “like the Turkish beer” they also spell it Efeses when trying to spell it for foreigners). The path didn't go all the way to Ephesus but it stopped just short of the turnoff, and it wasn't far from there. 

Pretty poppy in Rhodes

Silly cat at our pension in Marmaris

The gate of our Pension in Selcuk
Kitty at Ephesus

Me at Heiropolis

Still playing
This is a cat in Istanbul. 
Biggest Turkish cat yet.

Comments don't hurt you know? It would be kinda nice to know if people actually bother to read my blog.


  1. We read your blog Mhari. We just didn't write any comments because we didn't want to hurt you.

  2. Niiice -- that wasn't from me!

    I love the cat topiary! I laughed out loud when I saw that - I thought "they must have known Mhari was coming when they made that!"

    My comments are few and far between because I sometimes fall behind in blog reading (we've been a bit distracted by water issues here and when I'm online I'm often checking out the river level and trying to see if we're going to be evacuated anytime soon)...

    How are you enjoying the swimming? What's it like to swim in the Mediterranean? --Caley

  3. great photo of you Mhari! And I can't believe that it's YOUR blog that has the latest post! LOL I loved Santorini when I was there...And the cats... I remember all the cats and dogs throughout Greece and Turkey... I guess they never heard Bob Barker's comments at the end of the Price is Right everyday... ;-)

  4. Thanks for the comments!
    Caley- swimming in the Med is really nice. We just got off a 4 day cruise on a small yacht so swimming has been our main activity.

    Matt- I have never watched the end of the Price is Right; and who is Bob Barker?

    Flatland family- Ha Ha


  5. people are reading, and anxious for an update please.
