Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rajasthani Pizza?

(Lesley)  We have tended to eat Indian food for most meals with some exceptions for breakfast. However here in the north there are lots of other options like pizza, veggie burgers, finger chips (French fries) ... Recently the inside of my bottom lip has started to burn halfway through meals from the constant spices, so I have started trying some other choices like pizza. Each restaurents' interpretation of pizza is very different. I've had a few good ones, but last night I had the worst one ever. In fact, I didn't even consume half of it and it was probably the most expensive pizza I have ordered her in India. If you know me and how thrifty I am, I am sure you are presently picking your jaw up off the floor as I don't often leave food that I have paid for. Yesterdays' pizza was an exception. It had a greasy deep fried crust made of chick pea flour. It didn't even hold itself together it seemed to be in pieces. Then there was a layer of cheese? Well, sort of a white sauce/Cheeze Whizzy combo. Next, some boiled vegetables (peas, carrots, onions and I'm not sure what else. Then there were tomato slices-fresh not cooked, not hot. The crowning prize was the circle of red ketchup. The pizza was disgusting. The boiled carrots were not even properly cut. They looked like the carrots my grade 4 students cut when I give them a dull knife because I don't want them to cut themselves while we are cooking in class. In the soups we make in class, the size and shape of the carrots don't matter, but big boiled irregular hunks of carrot on a pizza just doesn't cut it. Ha ha.
Actually, all the food we ordered yesterday night was bad. Mhari ordered mixed veg noodles which are often quite good in a Chinese way. Well, she got instant noodles (from a pack) with a few of the boiled vegetables thrown over for good measure. Sam's lokki kofta was very salty. John had a mixed veg curry that was bland, but not offensive. He faired the best. In the cook's defence, his chai was very good and it came in a big mug so we didn't go home hungry we just woke up famished. Needless to say we will not return to that restaurent. And I will never eat a “Rajasthani pizza” again.

Tonight we had good pizza. To believe the Italien woman at the next table, it was the best pizza in India. We chose the restaurant not for it's pizza but for it's Wifi. Finding Wifi is rare in India, so we had to go for it given the opportunity. We checked our bank account. We have two accounts (a savings and a chequing). Turns out our chequing account was down to 36.67$ Lucky, we hadn't tried to retrieve money from an ATM. I guess we hadn't checked the accounts in a while. We were able to transfer some money into the chequing account and now we will be fine.
There is a swarm of crop bugs outside! John just came back with our laundry. Yes, we had it done! We usually wash our own because we often only spend one night in places and you need to be around for two mornings to have laundry sent out. Our clothes are now very clean. But John barely made it back because of the bugs. We will need to wear a full face scarf like a bandit just to breath when we head out later.

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