Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb 23-24th

(Lesley) 23rd Feb Well, I am the first and only one in the family to fall victim to a little Delhi Belly. I was a feeling weak and shivery last night as I fell asleep so I knew I wasn't 100%. I've heard some pretty brutal sick stories. So I feel like I'm getting off easily. I feel fine when not doing much but I need to have a toilet near by if I drink a lot. I'm not suffering from both ends, if you get what I mean. So today I decided not to stray far from the hotel. This meant John and Sam did the hard work of posting the parcel and getting us train tickets for early tomorrow morning. I have been reading and sleeping, and downloading photos. I did go with Mhari to the rooftop for breakfast and the climb up the 4 flights of stairs winded me. But I got a Sprite for the sugar and some toast. I thought it would be good to try to keep my strength up. It is 2:30 pm now and despite not having eaten much, I feel pretty good. I wouldn't sign up to do a triathlon today or tomorrow but...I haven't been in shape for that for awhile. Of course my Trifactor team mates will be well into their training now. Being here that all seems so far away.

In India, the focus for us is so much smaller, we aren't busy planning leisure activites or excercise. We aren't on committees or doing volunteer work. While travelling there are very few social responsibilites that we have to keep up. In fact, we have missed quite a few birthdays (Ann, Stanley, Peter, Ian, etc). I suppose we send some e-mails, blog and write postcards but we aren't feeling pressure to do these things. In so many ways travelling is a great escape. When I think back at how busy our lives can be in Winnipeg it is frightening. Lots of our friends are burried in things to do, all the more so because we aren't there to help. Yikes!
John and the kids have gone to see a site, a tomb or Mausoleum or something. I'm playing with you readers I suppose.
Camels- An interesting detail I noticed while on camel trek: Camels pee slowly for a very long time. It is not fast and furious like a race horse, with great volumes of urine boaring huge steaming holes in the ground. Camels have a light slow flow. One must stand back as they often wag their tail through the stream and you can get sprayed a bit. I suppose splashing it about is one way to cool themselves in the desert heat. One of our camels peed for over three minutes on the first day. By day three with no water they were still peeing, but less and less. They refuelled at the oasis when we arrive at noon the third day.
24th Feb. Today, I am better. Good thing too because we woke up at 4:40 to catch a train that left the station at 5:45. I feel quite good in fact. I even have the confidence to fart without a large porcelaine receptical under my posterieur. I am being cautious with food today though. Nothing too spicy. We went to a great Thali House for lunch today. John stayed back to sleep no doubt after his exhausting day at the post and railway offices. The servers at the Thali House were having fun with Sam and Mhari. They were basically lined up and coming by at short intervals offering more refills than necessary. Then one of them took on the task of shooing the others away. It could have been really annoying but in this circumstance it was just funny and entertaining. They really enjoyed interacting with the kids and watching them eat. Then Sam and I went out for the afternoon to check out the city. For supper we all went back to the Thali House.    

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