Monday, April 4, 2011

Mostly pics: Dehab, Luxor

View of one of our rooms in Dehab, Egypt; The boys take a turn snorkelling; Luxor temple in Luxor; 

Karnak Temple, Luxor Egypt; Check out the walls.  We wandered into a forbidden section, Oops.

The Great Hypostyle Hall.

The other one is in Paris.

Lamb Stew 

Breakfast on the rooftop.

The Colossi of Memnon.

Hatsheptsut Temple
Trying out another new style. 
Apparently this is how Gaddafi wears his.
 Looking cool, Sam!


  1. Nice to see photos of you guys with your smiling faces! You're looking like seasoned travelers. We miss you around here.
    Travel safe,

  2. enjoying the blogs and pics!

  3. What the heck, are you the only people in Egypt?

  4. Yup! pretty much. Going to Abu Simbel Temple tomorrow. We are here in the village already so will beat the convoy from Aswan, should have the place to ourselves for two hours.
